Did You Know!!!
During the 1920s and 1930s, a movement arose to scrap Mother’s Day and Father’s Day altogether in favor of a single holiday, Parents’ Day. Every year on Mother’s Day, pro-Parents’ Day groups rallied in New York City’s Central Park–a public reminder, said Parents’ Day activist and radio performer Robert Spere, “that both parents should be loved and respected together.”
Paradoxically, however, the Great Depression derailed this effort to combine and de-commercialize the holidays. Struggling retailers and advertisers redoubled their efforts to make Father’s Day a “second Christmas” for men, promoting goods such as neckties, hats, socks, pipes and tobacco, golf clubs and other sporting goods, and greeting cards.Father’s Day – Date, Definition & History
So Happen Last Week and Year in Life
Leading up to Father’s Day 2023?
I normally wait till Monday to post last week’s review in life but today is Father’s Day. And I’m done doing it.
So here is…
Monday June 12, 2023
Day 163: Faith Over Success — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 163: Summary of the Liturgy — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1817 – The earliest form of bicycle, the dandy horse, is driven by Karl von Drais.
- 1939 – Shooting begins on Paramount Pictures‘ Dr. Cyclops, the first horror film photographed in three-strip Technicolor.
- 1939 – The Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown, New York.
- 1942 – Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday.
- 1954 – Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him at the time the youngest unmartyred saint in the Roman Catholic Church. In 2017, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, aged ten and nine at the time of their deaths, are declared saints.
- 1963 – The film Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, is released in US theaters. It was the most expensive film made at the time.
- 1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional.
- 1997 – Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre in London.
- 2018 – United States President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea held the first meeting between leaders of their two countries in Singapore.
- 2023-Priest killed in a road ambush in southern Nigeria – Pierced Hearts (pierced-hearts.com)
- 2023-U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops@USCCB (June 12, 2023) Catholics Invited to Pray an Act of Reparation on Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. Read the full press release at: USCCB
Quote of the Day
Peter T Chattaway@ptchat (June 13, 2023) Question: Was the original #StarWars the first sci-fi film to have *subtitled* alien dialogue? Lucas once claimed that he put the subtitles there to encourage kids to read, but I think they might also reflect the growing popularity of foreign films at that time (the mid-1970s). (Star Wars itself, of course, was heavily influenced by foreign films, especially Kurosawa’s. Lucas has cited The Hidden Fortress as an inspiration, the severed arm on the floor of the cantina is a clear nod to Yojimbo, the word “Jedi” presumably came from “jidaigeki”, etc.)
Tuesday June 13, 2023
Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Day 164: Tearing Down Idols — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 164: Liturgical Diversity and Unity — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1525 – Martin Luther marries Katharina von Bora, against the celibacy rule decreed by the Roman Catholic Church for priests and nuns.
- 1774 – Rhode Island becomes the first of Britain’s North American colonies to ban the importation of slaves.
- 1927 – Aviator Charles Lindbergh receives a ticker tape parade up 5th Avenue in New York City.
- 1977 – Convicted Martin Luther King Jr. assassin James Earl Ray is recaptured after escaping from prison three days before.
- 2005 – The jury acquits pop singer Michael Jackson of his charges for allegedly sexually molesting a child in 1993
- 2023-Volunteer firefighters are getting older. It could be a life-or-death issue : NPR
Quote of the Day
Frank J. Tassone@fjtassone2 (June 13, 2023)
So much of the same social media noise.
So much of the familiar feeling of being overwhelmed by the inanity of it all,
of being depressed by it all.Then, from outside an open window, the blowing of the wind.
Late spring
a refreshing moment
of grace#haibun #haiku #poetry
Wednesday June 14, 2023
Day 165: The Lover and the Beloved — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 165: Summary of Liturgical Diversity — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1900 – Hawaii becomes a United States territory.
- 1937 – Pennsylvania becomes the first (and only) state of the United States to celebrate Flag Day officially as a state holiday.
- 1954 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a bill into law that places the words “under God” into the United States Pledge of Allegiance.
- 1959 – Disneyland Monorail System, the first daily operating monorail system in the Western Hemisphere, opens to the public in Anaheim, California.
- 1966 – The Vatican announces the abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (“index of prohibited books”), which was originally instituted in 1557.
Quote of the Day
Ian Patrick McHugh@PatrickMacAodha (June 15, 2023)
Teaching is a tough gig
I’m always worried whether I’ve got the facts right
I’m always worried about whether my interpretations are fair
I’m always worried whether I’m boring them
I’m always worried that I come off as nuts
I’m always worried that my students are cheating…Sigh
Thursday June 15, 2023
Day 166: Responding in Faith — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 166: Introduction to Baptism — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1502 – Christopher Columbus lands on the island of Martinique on his fourth voyage.
- 1520 – Pope Leo X threatens to excommunicate Martin Luther in Exsurge Domine.
- 1667 – The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys.
- 1752 – Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity (traditional date, the exact date is unknown).
- 1836 – Arkansas is admitted as the 25th U.S. state.
- 1878 – Eadweard Muybridge takes a series of photographs to prove that all four feet of a horse leave the ground when it runs; the study becomes the basis of motion pictures.
- 2007 – The Nokkakivi Amusement Park is opened in Lievestuore, Laukaa, Finland.
Quote of the Day
Shemaiah Gonzalez@shemaiahng (June 15, 2023)Great summer day that included love, coffee, reading, live baroque music, Piroshkis, a walk downtown, literature, phone call with my sister, texts from sweet friends, and dinner with my family with new dishes. Can’t wait to see what mundane and magical things happen tomorrow.
Ambrose Little@software_dad ( June 15, 2023)A Twitter Examen: Lord, have I thought scornfully of fellow Catholics? Have I posted things demeaning to them, casting them in the worst possible light? Do I make it my business to mock and belittle them?
Friday June 16, 2023
Day 167: Viaticum — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 167: The Baptism of Christ — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Song of the Week
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1586 – Mary, Queen of Scots, recognizes Philip II of Spain as her heir and successor.
- 1824 – A meeting at Old Slaughter’s coffee house in London leads to the formation of what is now the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).
- 1846 – The Papal conclave of 1846 elects Pope Pius IX, beginning the longest reign in the history of the papacy.
- 1858 – Abraham Lincoln delivers his House Divided speech in Springfield, Illinois.
- 1884 – The first purpose-built roller coaster, LaMarcus Adna Thompson‘s “Switchback Railway“, opens in New York’s Coney Island amusement park.
- 1897 – A treaty annexing the Republic of Hawaii to the United States is signed; the Republic would not be dissolved until a year later.
- 1903 – The Ford Motor Company is incorporated.
- 1981 – US President Ronald Reagan awards the Congressional Gold Medal to Ken Taylor, Canada’s former ambassador to Iran, for helping six Americans escape from Iran during the hostage crisis of 1979–81; he is the first foreign citizen bestowed the honor.
- 2002 – Padre Pio is canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.
- 2010 – Bhutan becomes the first country to institute a total ban on tobacco.
- 2015 – American businessman Donald Trump announces his campaign to run for President of the United States in the upcoming election.[15]
- 2016 – Shanghai Disneyland Park, the first Disney Park in Mainland China, opens to the public.[16]
- 2019 – Upwards of 2,000,000 people participate in the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests, the largest in Hong Kong’s history.
- 2023-
Movie’s Released
DC’s The Flash
Pixar’s Elemental
Quote of the Day
Dan of The Hour@ZJoyfulCatholic (June 16, 2023) One day several millennia from now, an archeologist is going to dig up a cassette tape with the Piña Colada song on it. After reading the lyrics on the insert, he will breathe a sigh of relief and say, “wow, it’s a good thing these folks went extinct.”
Saturday June 17, 2023
The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Day 168: Wicked Kings — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 168: The Celebration of Baptism — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1579 – Sir Francis Drake claims a land he calls Nova Albion (modern California) for England.
- 1885 – The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor.
- 1944 – Iceland declares independence from Denmark and becomes a republic.
- 1971 – U.S. President Richard Nixon in a televised press conference called drug abuse “America’s public enemy number one”, starting the War on drugs.
- 1972 – Watergate scandal: Five White House operatives are arrested for burgling the offices of the Democratic National Committee during an attempt by members of the administration of President Richard M. Nixon to illegally wiretap the political opposition as part of a broader campaign to subvert the democratic process.
- 2021 – Juneteenth National Independence Day, was signed into law by President Joe Biden, to become the first federal holiday established since Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1983.
- 2023-1440 Daily Digest@Join1440-28-year-old Martha Jesenia Gutierrez-Serrano posed as a 17-year-old high school student for a year. Gutierrez-Serrano is being charged with falsifying public records. If found guilty, the 28-year-old faces up to five years in prison or a $5,000 fine. 1440 Daily Digest on Twitter:
ote of the Day
Mark Brumley@mabrumley (June 17, 2023) Kleptomania is a fascinating topic. It “steals” my time to study. Narcolepsy, on the other hand, puts me to sleep.
Rosie Gamgee@Rosie_Gamgee FYI I will not talk about modesty, marital debt, divorce, what’s considered manly, TLM vs NO, or any other of the Christian Topics du jour. I prefer to talk about more relevant/useful topics like the best flavor of ice cream (& yes I will judge you if you think vanilla is boring)
Sunday June 18, 2023
Father’s Day
My Father
Day 169: Joash Is Crowned — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 169: The Mystagogy of Baptism — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1178 – Five Canterbury monks see an event believed to have been the formation of the Giordano Bruno crater on the moon. It is believed that the current oscillations of the Moon‘s distance from the Earth (on the order of meters) are a result of this collision.
- 1858 – Charles Darwin receives a paper from Alfred Russel Wallace that includes nearly identical conclusions about evolution as Darwin’s own, prompting Darwin to publish his theory.
- 1873 – Susan B. Anthony is fined $100 for attempting to vote in the 1872 presidential election.
- 1940 – The “Finest Hour” speech is delivered by Winston Churchill.
- 1983 – Mona Mahmudnizhad, together with nine other women of the Baháʼí Faith, is sentenced to death and hanged in Shiraz, Iran over her religious beliefs.
- 2023-Where Peter Is@Where_Peter_is -Fr Alex Roche writes, “Hymns written in the 1970s often get a bad rap and are criticized in some circles as theologically empty. However, that critique is difficult to level in this case.” On eagles’ wings – Where Peter Is
Quote of the Day
Catholic News Service Rome@CatholicNewsSvc (June 18, 2023) #PopeFrancis at Angelus: “Here’s the first thing to tell people: God is not far off, but is a Father, he knows you & loves you; he wants to take you by the hand, even when you travel on steep & rugged paths, even when you fall & struggle to get up again and get back on track.