Mark and Kristin Wilison have been married for 10 years but have known one another as for 27 years. He has a Master’s degree in Theology from Franciscan University, and she is a Secular Carmelite, hence the OCDS following her name. Mark and Kristin have different talents and challenges, but are just trying to live Christian lives as companions on the journey we call life.
Mark has worked at several jobs which have given him a place to pray and visit Jesus on his breaks. This includes a Carmelite gift shop, Catholic TV, bodyguard for the pope, and at a nursing home. He has taught catechism, trained circus seals, and has volunteered for a suicide prevention hotline. Mark enjoys writing, reading, scaling skyscrapers, and watching movies, as well as spending time with friends – and of course with his beautiful, holy wife. Expect a plethora of posts dealing with books, movies and the people in their life.
Though Kristin has a lot of experience working with young children and disabled children, she no longer works because of her disabilities – which have taught her more than her degree in Elementary Education ever did. She currently volunteers as a crisis counselor online. Kristin has a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. She enjoys living her Secular Carmelite vocation, and finds the community meeting and formation classes the highlight of her month. She looks forward to sharing her thoughts and insights with you.