February 12, 2025

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. –William Shakespeare If you wanted to see a performance acted out in the 19th century you had to travel to the theater to do so. Towards the end of the 19th century the wonder of film made it possible to see someone perform outside of the stage. In 1889 moving pictures... Read more

February 10, 2025

On December 13, 2024 The Catholic Bard published its 700th post. On May 10th, 2025 The Catholic Bard will have been active for 5 years. On January 2, 2025 Kristin and I celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary. On January 27, 2025 I celebrated my 54th Anniversary. On January 28, 2025 our 2nd granddaughter Addison J was born. The jubilee year is already 1 month over. I should take better advantage of it. My life is going rather fast. And events... Read more

February 7, 2025

It would seem that worldwide people love to gather with others to watch others kick around, toss around, bounce around carry around a ball, a puck or some other thing as men and women run around on foot or on a horse. People love to play and attend sports games. On February 9, 2025 folks will gather in America to watch Superbowl 59 with the Kansas City Chiefs Vs.The Philadelphia Eagles. Football as we know was formed in the 19th... Read more

February 4, 2025

1889 is the crossroads where the descendants, living persons and ancestors of previous, current and future influencers meet on the chronological timeline of earth’s history. Note: Wikipedia is the source the Catholic Bard quotes directly for all the bio descriptions read in these articles. A lot of people lead ordinary everyday lives. Some people lead extraordinary lives. Some people led Ordinary Extraordinary lives. People who have lived over a century. People who are very small and very tall. People who... Read more

February 2, 2025

That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers – it’s…  GROUNDHOG DAY! Redbecca@RedRebeccax (February 2, 2025: It’s Groundhog Day today, so make sure to have a day that you wouldn’t mind repeating infinitely. Today is the cross-quarter day between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s Candlemas, Imbolc and, here in Pennsylvania, Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day is a strange little tradition, an annual non-holiday marking the midway point of winter and the hope for a coming spring. “If Candlemas be bright and clear / There’ll be two winters... Read more

January 31, 2025

1889 is the crossroads where the descendants, living persons and ancestors of previous, current and future influencers meet on the chronological timeline of earth’s history. Note: Wikipedia is the source the Catholic Bard quotes directly for all the bio descriptions read in these articles. This article is part of a series of  Notable People Alive In 1889  The old west was a gateway to the mysterious unknown. It was a place where God’s wonder was displayed in the land. It... Read more

January 29, 2025

We make our friends; we make our enemies; but God makes our next door neighbors.  The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people. –Gilbert K. Chesterton Life on Catholic Social Media is going to feel like a virtual WWE match for the next several years. The mud-slinging will be over the results of the last presidential election in which Donald J. Trump became the 2nd president... Read more

January 27, 2025

1. It’s sometimes tough to think of new and original material to publish on every major holiday, holy day or personal day. That’s the challenge of every blogger. It’s my 54th birthday and I have posted a blog post every year on January 27 since starting this blog. So I must continue the tradition. I decided to post 55 random thoughts about life, love and other mysteries because I needed something to write about. 1 thought for every year I... Read more

January 22, 2025

1889 is the crossroads where the descendants, living persons and ancestors of previous, current and future influencers meet on the chronological timeline of earth’s history. Wikipedia is the place where all these people live in our collected memories that we can access. I took that information and compiled it into this document. The individuals I looked at and choose to highlight in this edition of Notable People Alive In 1889  Were leaders who led their countries for better or worse... Read more

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