2014 Catholic Book Blogger Top Picks

2014 Catholic Book Blogger Top Picks December 29, 2014

top_picks_background_worded2014 was a great year for the Catholic publishing world. Many fantastic books were released, so many that at times this book reviewer had trouble keeping up! Obviously I cannot read everything but out of what I read these are my top picks for 2014 (in no particular order). These picks by no mean lessen the quality or importance of the others….they just stood out to me as the best. Click each title to see my full review of each.

saint_peters_bonesSt. Peter’s Bones : How the Relics of the First Pope were Lost and Found… and than Lost and Found Again by Thomas Craughwell

A thrilling read on how the bones of St. Peter were discovered and as the title suggests lost. A true story worthy of Indiana Jones. Part mystery, part suspense, part intrigue and part history. A wonderful mix that makes one great book.



the_light_is_on_for_you_1The Light Is On For You: The Life-Changing Power of Confession by Cardinal Donald Wuerl

This book is more than just a study on confession. Its a life changing witness at to why confession is necessary and so rewarding. He has presented the reader with an invitation to come back and partake of the joy and healing of Confession. It would be wise for us to accept.


jesus_a_pilgrimage_1Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Father James Martin

This book received a lot of buzz when it was released and for good reason. Take a journey to the holy land with Father James Martin as he weaves his own pilgrimage there with the story of Jesus Christ. Part journal, part bible study, and part personal reflection, this book is one thing if nothing else…….exceptional.



evangelizing_catholics_1Evangelizing Catholics: A Mission Manual for the New Evangelization by Scott Hahn

The new evangelization is spoken about a lot these days, but, do we really know what it means and what our role in it is. This is a book I wish was available when I first launched The Catholic Book Blogger as I struggled with what the purpose of my evangelization endeavor was. That’s how good I think this book is. Read it. Understand your role in the new evangelization than go forth and make disciples.


the_feasts_1The Feasts: How the Church Year Forms Us as Catholics by Cardinal Donald Wuerl and Mike Aquilina

The third book in the trilogy by co-authors Cardinal Wuerl and Mike Aquilina, this book focuses on the celebrations of the Church. Along with the other titles The Mass and The Church they have provided the faithful with a triple play of easily digested cathechesis. I highly recommend all three.




The One-Minute Aquinas: The Doctor’s Quick Answers to Fundamental Questions by Kevin Vost

Don’t know much about Thomas Aquinas? Take some time out with this book as Kevin Vost presents the Doctor’s teachings in small bite size chunks. The value of the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas cannot be over emphasized. To study this Doctor of the Church is something everyone should do as some point. Kevin does an exceptional job making Aquinas accessible to all.


through_with_and-_in_him_1Through, With, and In Him: The Prayer Life of Jesus and How to Make It Our Own by Shane Kapler

How did Jesus pray, how did it impact him and how can we make this prayer life our own. Shane’s insight and research into the Jewish prayer life Jesus led can do nothing less than help fortify and enhance our own. If taken to heart the example set forth in this book will lead your own prayer life from “praying” to actual “prayer” and a relationship with the Father.



prayer_works_1Prayer Works! Getting a Grip on Catholic Spirituality by Matt Leonard

Another book on prayer makes my list. If you are in need of a jump start to your prayer life and do not know where to begin let this book be your guide….you can’t go wrong. His writing style makes the material much more enjoyable and brings it to the typical laypersons level.



man_up_1Man Up!: Becoming the New Catholic Renaissance Man by Jared Zimmerer

This book is a call to arms for men today. In large part due go the mixed signals we recieve many boys growing to manhood today have no clue what being a man means. We can either set on the sidelines, scratching our heads and wonder what to do or we can Man Up and become the Catholic men and witnesses of faith we are meant to be.



journey_to_heaven_1Journey to Heaven: A Road Map for Catholic Men by Randy Hain

When you start reading this book prepare for a gut check. Us men may not like gut checks but we must look inward to improve ourselves. Take up the book Journey to Heaven and follow the road map Randy Hain has done a wonderful job laying out for us.

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