A fitting dwelling for the Lord, Mary: Day 178

A fitting dwelling for the Lord, Mary: Day 178 January 15, 2016

year_with_mary_alphonsus_1A fitting dwelling for the Lord

St. Alphonsus considers the reasons why God would preserve from all sin the mother of his Son.

When speaking of Mary for the honor of our Lord Jesus, whom she merited to have for her Son, St. Augustine insists he would not even consider the possibility of sin in her. “For we know,” he says, “that through the One who was clearly without sin, whom she merited to conceive and bring forth, she received grace to conquer all sin.”

Therefore, as St. Peter Damian observes, we must consider it certain that “the incarnate Word chose for himself a fitting mother—one of whom he would not have to be ashamed.” St. Proclus observes: “He dwelt in a womb that he had created free from all that might be to his dishonor.”

It was no shame to Jesus Christ when he heard himself contemptuously called by others “the son of Mary,” implying that he was the son of a poor woman (see Mt 13:55). For he came into this world to give us an example of humility and patience. But on the other hand, it would undoubtedly have been a disgrace if he could have heard the Devil say, “Wasn’t his mother a sinner? Wasn’t he born of an evil mother, who was once our slave?”

Indeed, God, who is Wisdom itself, knew well how to prepare himself a fit- ting dwelling in which to reside on earth. For it was not fitting that a holy God should choose himself a dwelling that was not holy: “Holiness befits your house, O Lord” (Ps 93:5). —St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Glories of Mary

Why was it fitting for God the Father to create a mother for his Son who was sinless? Why would God want him to take his flesh from a sinless woman, and to be raised by her?

From a “Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy”: Virgin, we honor you. You are the beloved daughter of the Most High God, the chosen Mother of the Incarnate Word, the Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Vessel of the Most Holy Trinity.

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