Mary’s family greets her in heaven, Mary: Day 282

Mary’s family greets her in heaven, Mary: Day 282 April 28, 2016

year_with_mary_alphonsus_2Mary’s family greets her in heaven

St. Alphonsus imagines the scene when Mary’s saintly family members come to greet her upon her arrival in heaven.

When she enters heaven at her assumption, Mary is greeted by   her family. St. Zachary and St. Elizabeth come and thank her for her loving visit, with such great humility and charity, in their home. By it they received treasures of grace. St. John the Baptist comes with even greater affection to thank her for having sanctified him by her voice. Imagine how her holy parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, address her when they come to salute her. With what tenderness they bless her, saying: “Beloved daughter, what a favor it was for us to have such a child! Be now our queen. For you are the mother of our God, and we greet and venerate you.”

Who can even imagine the affection with which her dear husband, St. Joseph, comes to salute her? Who can even describe the joy that the holy patri- arch feels at seeing his spouse so triumphantly enter heaven and made queen of paradise? With what tenderness he would address her: “My Lady and spouse, how can I ever thank our God as I should, for having made me your husband, you who are his true mother! Through you I merited to assist on earth the child- hood of the Eternal Word, to carry him so often in my arms, to receive so many special graces. Ever blessed be those moments that I spent in life in serving Jesus and you, my holy spouse! Behold our Jesus! We rejoice that now he no longer lies on straw in a manger, as we saw him at his birth in Bethlehem. He no longer lives poor and despised, as he once lived with us in Nazareth. He is no longer nailed to a shameful cross, as when he died in Jerusalem for the salvation of the world. “Instead, he is seated at the right hand of his Father, as King and Lord of heaven and earth. Now, my Queen, we will never again be separated from him.

There, we shall bless him and love him for all eternity.” —St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Glories of Mary


What conversations would I imagine took place between Mary and her rela- tives when she arrived in heaven?


Blessed Lady, obtain through your Son, I beg you, eternal life for the souls of my family and other loved ones, from the only Giver of every good and perfect gift, the Lord of life.

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