We’re not the only intelligent life, Angels: Day 001

We’re not the only intelligent life, Angels: Day 001 July 22, 2016

angels_ambrose_1We’re not the only intelligent life

We tend to place humanity rather proudly at the top of all creation. The Fatherhad a more modest and more realistic view. Yes, man is intelligent, but we’re not the only intelligence. There are beings above us as well as beings below us. Only God is unique.

The Son, therefore, is the only and true God, for this also is assigned to the Son as his sole right.

It cannot accurately be said of any created being that he is alone. How can anyone or anything that has fellowship in creation be separated from the rest, as though it were alone?

Thus we see that man is a rational being among all earthly creatures; yet he is not the only rational being. For we know that the heavenly works of God also are rational; we confess that angels and archangels are rational beings. So if the angels are rational, we cannot say that man is the only rational being. –St. Ambrose, Exposition of the Christian Faith, 5.2


Do I recognize that I am not alone in the universe? Real extraterrestrials, the guardian angels, are here to help me.


My Guardian Angel, help me be obedient to your inspirations, and protect and guide me until you have brought me safe to Heaven.

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