Angels bring us the vision of God, Angels: Day 044

Angels bring us the vision of God, Angels: Day 044 September 3, 2016

angels_dionysius_2Angels bring us the vision of God

The speculative philosopher Dionysius  the Areopagite says  that the heavenlbeings deserve their title of  “angel” (which means “messenger”) because thebring us the light of God, which they experience at first hand.

The holy orders of the heavenly beings share in the supremely divine participation in a higher degree than things that merely exist, or that lead an irrational life, or that are rational like ourselves. By imitating God, they shape themselves, keeping the image of God before them in a way we cannot do. Since they shape their intellectual appearance on the model of God, they naturally have a more complete communication with God than we have. The unwavering love of God is so intense that it raises them ever upwards, as far as is lawful for them. They receive the light of God without any earthly shadow, and they align themselves with that light, and live a purely intellectual life.

These are the ones who participate in God at first hand, under many forms, and make known what is hidden in God. For that reason, these are most worthy, beyond all others, of the name “angel” or “messenger,” because the light of God comes to them at first hand, and they pass it on to us.

Thus the Law, as the Word of God tells us, was given to us through angels. Before and after the Law, angels led our illustrious ancestors toward God—either by leading them to what was to be done, and away from error and an unholy life toward the straight way of truth; or by revealing sacred laws to them, or hidden visions, or heavenly mysteries, or certain divine predictions through the prophets. –Dionysius the Areopagite, The Celestial Hierarchy, 4.2


When was the last time I looked into the light of God, as revealed in Scripture, through the ministry of angels?


Lord, in your mercy, you have given us the angels as the ministers  of  your light. I praise you for your wisdom; I thank you for all you have revealed through your messengers. Give me the grace to see how they serve me in my mind and heart.
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