Entertaining angels; Angels: Day 081

Entertaining angels; Angels: Day 081 October 10, 2016

angels_john_chrysostom_2Entertaining angels

“Some  have entertained angels unawares”:  the  only  way to do that,  says St. John Chrysostom,  is to show  hospitality  to the poor and insignificant. In entertaining them,  we may  entertain angels, and we certainly entertain Christ himself.

It is worthwhile to ask this here: Why did the rich man see Lazarus, not in company with any other of the just, but in the bosom of Abraham?

Abraham was hospitable; the rich man saw Lazarus there as a rebuke to his own inhospitality. Abraham used to lie in wait for those who passed by, and con- strain them to come into his dwelling; but this rich man neglected even one that lay within his very porch. He had such a treasure—such an opportunity of salvation—but he overlooked it each day, and didn’t show kindness to the poor man. He wouldn’t even give him the necessaries of life.

But the patriarch was not like this. He was the very opposite. Sitting at the tent door he captured, so to speak, all those that passed by. A fisherman casting his net into the sea draws up fish, and perhaps also sometimes draws up gold or pearls. In the same way he, a fisher of men, once entertained even angels—and there was this wonderful circumstance, that he did so without knowing it.

St. Paul, with much admiration, insists on the very same thing: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb. 13:2). And well does he say “unawares.” For if they had know- ingly received them with such goodwill, they would have done no great or wonder- ful thing: all the praise depends on the fact that, not knowing who they were that passed by, and supposing them to be simply wayfaring men, they invited them to enter so quickly.

Christ, too, speaking of those who acted this way, said, “as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Matt. 25:40). –St. John Chrysostom, Four Discourses, Chiefly on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus,  Discourse 2, chapter 5


How could I be more hospitable to the poor, the way Abraham was hospitable to the angels? Do I listen when the angels point out someone in need?


Guardian Angel, help me to notice and remember all the poor among God’s creatures.

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