Christ gives us the peace of the angels; Angels: Day 178

Christ gives us the peace of the angels; Angels: Day 178 January 15, 2017

angels_cyril_of_alexandria_1Christ, says St. Cyril of  Alexandria, takes away the sin that came between us and the Father. Now we can have the same peace that the angels know in Heaven—the peace the angels proclaimed to the shepherds when Jesus Christ was born.

So do not look upon him who was laid in the manger merely as a baby, but in our poverty see him who as God is rich, and in the measure of our humanity him who excels the inhabitants of Heaven, and who therefore is glorified even by the holy angels.

And how noble was the hymn, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!” (Luke 2:14). For the Angels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominions, and high above them the Seraphim, pre- serving their settled order, are at peace with God. They never transgress his good pleasure in any way, but are firmly established in righteousness and holiness. But we, wretched beings, by setting up our own lusts in opposition to the will of our Lord, had put ourselves into the position of his enemies.

But Christ has got rid of all this. He is our peace; he has united us by himself to God the Father. He has taken sin away from between us—sin, the cause of the enmity—and so justifies us by faith, and makes us holy and without blame, and calls near to him those who were far off. And besides this, he has created the two people into one new man, thus making peace and reconciling both in one body to the Father. For it pleased God the Father to form all things into one new whole in him, and to bind together things below and things above, and to make those in Heaven and those on Earth into one flock.

Christ, therefore, has been made for us both Peace and Goodwill. –St. Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on Luke, Sermon 2


Christ gives me the chance to live a life like the angels’ life, with my will always in harmony with God’s. How well am I taking him up on that offer?


Lord, let me not be cast out from your presence as the rebellious angels were, but as your servant let me find grace and mercy.

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