May 23, 2016

Elizabeth Scalia is a Benedictine Oblate and Editor-in-Chief of the English edition of Aleteia. She is a known by her blog The Anchoress. She is also a columnist at First Things and for The Catholic Answer. Scalia was a featured speaker at the Vatican’s much-noted 2011 meeting with bloggers from around the world and has a multi-media presence that includes contributions to NPR and CBS News Online, and a stint as a regular panelist on the Brooklyn-diocese-produced current events program, In... Read more

May 22, 2016

An aqueduct flowing with grace St. Alphonsus reminds us that Jesus is the Source of grace, while Mary is its channel. St. Anselm says, “There is no one who does not partake of the grace of Mary. Who was ever found to whom the Blessed Virgin wasn’t kind? Who is there whom her mercy doesn’t reach?” We must understand, of course, that Jesus is the One from whom we receive grace as the Author of grace; grace comes through Mary... Read more

May 21, 2016

A salutation to Mary This prayer was composed by St. John Eudes, a French missionary and priest who founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. A copy of it was found in a book belonging to St. Margaret Mary after her death. Hail Mary, daughter of God the Father! Hail Mary, mother of God the Son! Hail Mary, spouse of God the Holy Spirit! Hail Mary, temple of the Most Blessed Trinity! Hail Mary, pure lily of the radiant Trinity! Hail... Read more

May 20, 2016

A young man is freed of immoral habits St. Alphonsus tells a story that illustrates how even a small daily habit of devotion to Mary, faithfully practiced, bears wonderful and lasting fruit. An event recorded by Fr. Paul Segneri, in the work entitled Christian Instructed, is rightly well known. A young man of immoral habits, and laden with sins, went to Confession to Fr. Nicholas Zucchi in Rome. The confessor received him with charity. Filled with compassion for the young... Read more

May 20, 2016

Today, Our Sunday Visitor sponsors the CBB giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a copy of Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bads Habits Before They Kick Us by Elizabeth Scalia (you can read the review here) I use Rafflecopter to run my giveaways which makes it simple for you and me! Enter below. The contest starts NOW and will end 12AM EST Friday 05/27 with a winner being announced later that day. a Rafflecopter giveaway Read more

May 19, 2016

The graces of the family Rosary Praying the Rosary as a family remains a popular household devotion, full of graces. But Venerable Pope Pius XII knows that busy families sometimes need encouragement to lay aside other concerns and turn to Our Lady together. We affirm that the custom of the family recitation of the holy Rosary is a most effective means. What a sweet sight, most pleasing to God, when in the evening the Christian home resounds with the frequent... Read more

May 18, 2016

You have likely guessed by now that I read a lot of books. On occasion I come across a book that speaks to me so loudly that I smack myself on the forehead….more than once. The book I am talking about is the latest from Elizabeth Scalia Little Sins Mean a Lot: Kicking Our Bads Habits Before They Kick Us. I must say that this is a book everyone should pick up and read as the message is one we... Read more

May 18, 2016

Pray the Rosary for peace In 1969, when multiple wars were raging around the globe, Blessed Pope Paul VI issued the apostolic exhortation Recurrens Mensis  October to encourage Catholics to pray the Rosary. His stated prayer intention was peace—an intention that must be perennial in our fallen world. We invite the entire Christian people once more to the practice of a form of prayer which is rightly dear to Catholic piety, and which has lost none of its importance amid... Read more

May 17, 2016

Today, Ave Maria Press sponsors the CBB giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a copy of My Badass Book of Saints: Courageous Women Who Showed Me How to Live by Maria Johnson (you can read the review here) I use Rafflecopter to run my giveaways which makes it simple for you and me! Enter below. The contest starts tonight at midnight and will end 12AM EST Friday 05/25 with a winner being announced later that day. a Rafflecopter giveaway Read more

May 17, 2016

Review by Michele Craig Lately I have noticed that as God turns the pages of my life, He sends a quote to me to introduce the new story that is about to unfold for me.  The most recent quote is by St. Ireneaus “The glory of God is man fully alive.”  (Or in my case “woman fully alive.) So when I saw the title (not to mention the fabulous cover) of Maria Morera Johnson’s book My Badass Book of Saints:... Read more

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