May 28, 2016

Mary doesn’t abandon her devotees at death We can learn an important lesson, St. Alphonsus tells us, from the story of how St. John of God spent his last moments. How quickly do the rebellious spirits fly from the presence of    this queen! If at the hour of death we have only the protection of Mary, what do we need to fear from all our hellish enemies? O God, what a consolation it will be at that last moment of... Read more

May 27, 2016

Prayer for a happy death St. Alphonsus asks Our Lady to remember that when she left this world, she promised not to forget us. He asks for a happy death so that he can be united with her and her Son in heaven. Most sweet Lady and our mother, you’ve already left the earth and reached your kingdom. There, as queen, you’re enthroned above all the choirs of angels, as the Church sings in her liturgy: “She is exalted above... Read more

May 26, 2016

Mary defends the soul at death St. Alphonsus reports that demon tempters sometimes assail Christians in their dying moments. But Mary is faithful to dispatch angels for their defense. How quickly do the rebellious spirits fly from the presence of   this queen! If at the hour of death we have only the protection of Mary, what need we fear from the whole of our infernal enemies? When Fr. Emmanuel Padial, of the Society of Jesus, was at the point of... Read more

May 26, 2016

Today, Carmel Communications in partnership with Sony Home Entertainment sponsors the CBB giveaway. Three lucky winners will receive one copy of RISEN (you can read my here review here) I use Rafflecopter to run my giveaways which makes it simple for you and me! Enter below. The contest starts NOW and will end 12AM EST Friday 06/03 with a winner being announced later that day. a Rafflecopter giveaway Read more

May 25, 2016

A tender mother in the hour of death St. Alphonsus recalls the story of a woman to whom Mary herself attended on her death bed. How great is the tenderness of this good mother, Mary, toward her children at death! The parish priest of a country place was assisting a certain rich man who was dying, in a magnificent house, and attended by servants, relatives, and friends. But the good priest saw also demons, in the shape of dogs, waiting... Read more

May 25, 2016

Risen is an epic film that is a pure joy to watch. From the stunning visuals of Jerusalem to the countryside journey to Galilee the producers of this film put great effort in creating visually accurate sets. The visuals were not as important as the story and after watching the film I can attest that the story is solid, believable and well written. The movie picks up immediately after the resurrection of Christ. Roman tribune Clavius is summoned by Pontius... Read more

May 24, 2016

Review by Michele Craig The peace and wonder and awe of the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament…. ooooohhh.  The beauty of a Basilica, an exquisite piece of religious art, or an icon revealing the glory of God….aaaaahhh.  If only we could bring that peace, wonder, awe and beauty home with us……. We can!  The Little Oratory: A Beginner’s Guide to Praying in the Home by David Clayton & Leila Marie Lawler with illustrations by Deidre M. Folley (Leila’s daughter)show... Read more

May 24, 2016

Call on Jesus and Mary at death St. Alphonsus encourages us to turn with confidence to Jesus and Mary in the hour of our death. Richard of Saint Lawrence affirms that “the devout invocation of the sweet and holy name of Mary leads to the reception of superabundant graces in this life, and a very high degree of glory in the next.” “If then, brothers,” con- cludes Thomas à Kempis, “you desire consolation in every labor, turn to Mary. Invoke... Read more

May 24, 2016

Maria Morera Johnson is a blogger and cohost of SQPN’s Catholic Weekend. She is a composition and literature professor and director of English learning support at Georgia Piedmont Technical College, working with non-traditional students in innovative success initiatives. She has received a number of awards for teaching. She speaks on behalf of and consults with several organizations, including St. Vincent de Paul (Vincentians). Johnson helped organize the Catholic New Media Conference. Johnson often presents at national education conferences to encourage women in... Read more

May 23, 2016

Now and at the hour of our death St. Alphonsus illuminates the last phrase of the Hail Mary. “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity,” says the Book of Proverbs (17:17). We can never know our friends and relations in the time of prosperity; it is only in the time of adversity that we see them in their true colors. People of the world never abandon a friend as long as he is in... Read more

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