Pope rejects conflict with ‘ultraconservative’ Catholics in new interview

Pope rejects conflict with ‘ultraconservative’ Catholics in new interview July 4, 2016

Vatican City, Jul 4, 2016 / 10:42 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his most recently-published interview, Pope Francis expressed his dislike of conflict with so-called  “ultra conservative” Catholics, but added that he's not held back by it.

“They do their work and I do mine,” the Pope said in Spanish during his interview with Joaquín Morales Solá, a journalist of the Argentine daily La Nacion, published July 3.

It was Morales who used the term “ultraconservatives” in his question.

Francis responded, saying, “I want an open, understanding Church which accompanies wounded families,” whereas ultraconservatives in the Church “say no to everything.”

However, the Roman Pontiff suggested he was undeterred by such attitudes.

“I continue my path without looking over my shoulder,” he said. “I don't cut off heads. I have never liked doing that.”

“I repeat: I reject conflict.”

Morales said Francis smiled when he gave his final, cryptic remarks to the question.

“Nails are removed by applying pressure to the top. Or, they are set aside to rest, when retirement age arrives.”

The question regarding ultraconservatives was an aside from the bulk of the interview.

The interview with La Nacion, which is based in Buenos Aires, was largely centered on Argentine politics and the state of the Church in that country.

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