A Conversation with Brian McLaren

A Conversation with Brian McLaren May 3, 2017

By Andy Hale

I sat down with Brian McLaren, author of The Great Spiritual Migration. Here is my review of the book:

It has the grace of A Generous Orthodoxy, the scholarly depth of The Secret Message of Jesus, the challenging invitation of We Make The Road by Walking, the inclusiveness of Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Muhammad Cross the Road, the spiritual depth of Finding Our Way Again, and yet something altogether different. It was elevating, transcendent and radically transformative. Read this book. Read this book. Read this book.

My conversation with Brian centered on his call for a radical shift from an exclusive religion of dominance to a love centered way of life seen in the life, ministry, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. This is a global way of love that cares deeply for all people, no matter their ethnicity, nationality, social status, economic status or sexual orientation. It is a global way of love that cares deeply for the environment and its impact on everyone in the world, not just the wealthy.

As McLaren wrote:

If we could actually deliver on a promise to deliver this kind of lifelong learning and love to children, youth, and adults of all ages, I could easily imagine waiting lists replacing empty pews. Such a migration to love would help our churches change their line of business, so to speak, from the making and certificates of Christians, Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals or whatever, to the lifelong formation of compassionate human beings, apprentices of love, who live in the way of Jesus.

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This podcast episode is brought to you by Sema Films, a full video production company, Smyth & Helwys Publishing “Next Sunday,” and Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity.

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