Upcoming Heart Magick

Upcoming Heart Magick June 16, 2023

I thought I’d share a bit about my heart magick here since I’m taking a step back from longer blogging until I finish the next book I’m writing.

Starts July 13: Elements of Magick: Aphrodite Calls

Sequoia and I are offering an online Elements of Magick class, with Aphrodite as a guide and ally in the work of Reclaiming Witchcraft. We’ll work with each of the elements, her stories, her magick, and the possibility of beauty in all moments.

Starts July 28: Aphrodite: Celebrating Her, Celebrating Ourselves

Together in celebration.
Together in reverence.
Together in communion.
Together in devotion.

We will walk alongside Aphrodite in celebration of Aphrodisia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodisia), celebrated in the third week of July. We will move in the steps of so many before: purification, procession, devotion, and celebration (knowing these don’t always happen in this order, often all at the same time).

These classes will be interactive, immersive, and revelatory. You can expect opportunities to build intimate relationships with yourself, with Aphrodite, and with the group.

October 4-18: Galactic Goddex Gathering Goes To Greece

“someone will remember us. I say even in another time” 
― Sappho, If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho

Are you ready to remember?

You are invited to remember what has come before, and also remember yourself. To remember your heart, your magick, and your wonder. To remember awe and connection, and the type of restoration that comes from stepping away from what you know and stepping deep into possibility.

Experience this once-in-a-lifetime, bucket-list, dream vacation while doing rituals to Greek Goddexes with your feet on their ancient sites. 9 cities, 6 ancient sites, 3 islands, 12 people max.

[Goddex: Non-binary term to represent the magnitude, beauty, and divine awesomeness of YOU!]


Thanks for your patience as I focus on another book. And I hope to see you in these heart-magick-focused offerings. As always, reach out to me with any questions!

About Irisanya moon
​I'm an author, Witch, priestess, teacher, and initiate in the Reclaiming tradition. I have served the godds, my community, and the Earth for 20+ years. I am a devotee of Aphrodite, Hecate, the Norns, and Iris. I am passionate about the idea that life is and I am a love spell, a dance of desire and connection, a moving in and out of the heart, always returning to love. My teaching/facilitation style is immersive, gracious, and welcoming. I believe in creating spaces that are safe enough to hold whatever work you need to do in the moment. While I do offer didactic classes in ritual skills, priestessing, and Reclaiming Witchcraft, I lean heavily into experiential work. I hope to be in service to those who feel disconnected from their power and their self-trust. I cultivate spaces of radical acceptance to foster trust and liberation. You are not alone. You can read more about the author here.
"I love this! Thank you for sharing and being present with the wild."

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