If there’s anything that annoys me in current witch culture, it’s this: baby witch.
That said, if you want to name yourself that, carry on.
I just don’t like it in the assumption it sounds like it could be making about skills, wisdom, or ability.
But that’s not the point of this blog.
The point (I’m getting there) is that I want to let you know I’m co-teaching an Elements of Magick class, the foundational class in Reclaiming Witchcraft. My friend Georgie and I are teaching this online, which means you could take it without leaving your house.
Wanna know more?

Elements of Magick Starts March 13, 2024…
Elements of Magick, as taught in the Reclaiming tradition, is a class for new to not-so-new witches, offering hands-on practices and interactions in pairs and the larger group.
In this series, we will cover Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit, building magickal skills, awareness of Reclaiming culture, and the framework for co-creating a ritual at the end of the class.
Dates and Times: 6 Wednesdays, Starting March 13, 6-8:30pm Pacific
Location: Zoom
Location: Zoom
Facilitators: Irisanya & Georgie
These classes include everything from how to create sacred space to building energy, grounding, and scrying for information. In these meetings, we will also talk about Reclaiming history, activism, and more.
You can expect to be encouraged to participate, share your thoughts, and deepen into your spiritual practice.
Wanna sign up? Register here