yes, butterfly: a quick poetry break

yes, butterfly: a quick poetry break December 2, 2023
let yourself feel

break out of the cocoon that protects

but also holds you back

from flight


the soup of all that came before

has nourished the parts of you

still finding form

even now


—you too, butterfly


Photo Credit: Irisanya Moon



The next few weeks of the year might be a little sparse and reflective. I like to do a little introspection in this time, and I’ll share some things I have done and am doing to look back and dream forward.



Lots of stuff coming in 2024, so please visit my website: to see those details.

As always, take good care of you.



About Irisanya Moon
Reclaiming Witch + Writer + Teacher + Priestess + Feminist + Ritualist + Invocateur + Drummer + Sagittarius + she/they You can read more about the author here.
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