David Daleiden, Planned Parenthood, and Legal Injustice

David Daleiden, Planned Parenthood, and Legal Injustice January 26, 2016

img-plannedparenthood-logoWe shouldn’t be shocked to see David Daleiden be indicted by a grand jury. You see, life isn’t like the Hollywood movies portray it to be – not in the here and now at least. The hero doesn’t always win in the way it seems he should. The enemy often rears her head and consumes yet another murdered infant under the guise of federal legality. You see, they don’t care in the least if it is moral or not. Look at our country. Look at half of those who claim to be sons of the living God. Do they care?

Our liberal constituents praise another victory while many pro-lifers wallow in despair, seeing what they perhaps viewed as a knockdown, lynch-pin argument against Planned Parenthood and the abortive industry; perhaps even a colossal awakening and paradigmatic shift in the cultural ethos would ensue. How could they ignore what we looked at as verifiable evidence of baby parts being sold?

We donned hashtags, used photographic filters, and posted clever memes depicting the horrendous nature of pre-civil rights era slavery, Nazism, genocide, and so forth – all to purport the veracity of our claims that infants have a right to live. Conversely, we stated that pregnant women don’t have rule and reign over the infant so as to allow barbarism by tearing the infant limb from limb, saving those vital pieces for remuneration. How could they ignore our voice?

While I hate the (wrongfully) attributed quote from Francis De Assisi, perhaps we can borrow from another author who can weigh with more clarity and truth: the apostle James. Brothers and sisters, true religion is this: that you take care of the widow and orphan. The point being that our gospel message must entail the deeds of true religion – and that means we need to be more uncomfortable and actually do something beyond posting on social media. That isn’t working. All it seems to do is give an attitude of smug ignobility as we go home to watch Netflix, appeasing our consciences for another day.

It is asinine that we are so complacent in the fight against the murder of infants. I speak not to everyone, because there were many who participated in the Walk of Life march; there are others going to the abortion mills weekly to call out, facing ridicule and physical violence; there are thousands seeking adoption; there are others working in pregnancy centers that fight against places like Planned Parenthood. Yet others, who refuse to lift a finger, save for when they type vitriolic statuses on Facebook, vastly outnumber them.

I have said this before and I will say it one more time: it has never fully been about shutting down Planned Parenthood. It is about snatching child-sacrifices from the chopping block and their mothers from the path to hell. It is about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because it is about this and not the infrastructure of an abominable enterprise in baby killing, the circus we call a government, and the masses of sheeple heralding the “good news” of unfettered sexual promiscuity – we seek to demolish something much larger.

We seek to demolish worldviews. We aim to upheave systems of belief. We want to save people, legitimate people, from death, both spiritual and physical. Am I upset that David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress are facing this dilemma? Absolutely. Does this look like all of that work was done in vain? Sure, I’d even concede to that. But things aren’t as they look. Remember the cross. Remember His resurrection. Remember that which it accomplished. None of this is without redemption, my brothers and sisters. None. None of this comes as a surprise to a sovereign God who is actively working in and through His creation.

Use this as fuel for your fodder. There are so many wonderful things you can do to be a part of this battle. There are so many godly organizations that have fought with longsuffering through this hellacious and downright ugly battle. Friends, this is what the Christian life is all about. Go to battle by blessing those who curse you. Gird up your loins by showing compassion on the mother who aborted three former children and is thinking about doing it again. Care for the orphans or enable one who is doing so (that means, let it affect your pocketbook and your lifestyle). Cry out against the murder or the innocent – and the impending doom upon those who need the gospel just as we do. Be men and women of valor. Entrust yourself to the living God who hears the blood cry out from the earth. Millions upon millions upon millions of murders.

You and I will see just how quickly they will call us slow to act in areas we can. Don’t give them reason to blaspheme God – but may they see your insatiable desire for saving babies and caring for these mothers that they will stop and glorify your Father in heaven. Let’s not stop talking – but by the grace of God almighty – may we be moved to act, lest we simply be hypocrites.

Stop the mouths of these foolish people who delight in bloodshed as Lamech, ignorantly speaking to their atrocities as if they are bearing seventy-seven fold the mark of Cain.

Let us say, “Give us your babies!”

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