Elsewhere: Scream 4, Weird Al, Lady Gaga, Studio Ghibli, etc.

Elsewhere: Scream 4, Weird Al, Lady Gaga, Studio Ghibli, etc. April 23, 2011

Every week, our writers will be sharing some of their favorite finds from around the internet. Check back every week for great articles, insane news items, and interesting diversions.

Weird and awesome: How Scream 4 is like the Bible 

Answer to an easy question: Why are Christian movies so lame?

Former CaPC writer, Chase Livingston is right about this: How to Destroy Your Life.

Parental Advisory: Games are now rated by computers. Objective! Weird!

Carolyn Arends Contemplates Her own Death and Yours

The Windsheild Wipers of Jerusalem … I like this.

Jeffery Overstreet explains why Win Win and Another Year are worth seeing: “Both films are dramas that make you laugh and comedies that shake you up. But both are remarkable for spotlighting what we so rarely see at the movies: good marriages.”

Christianity Today explores the growing trend of Churches doubling as film studios.

E. O. Wilson tries to scientifically explain altruism.

Jason Johnson explains what makes Portal 2 worth playing “is how two-player co-op alters and enhances the genetics of the game.”

The Gaga Saga – Weird Al tells the story of how he planned to parody “Born This Way” but Lady Gaga would not give him the permission that he really didn’t even have to ask her for. BUT apparently Lady Gaga was actually unaware of the song and her manager said no without asking her, or at least that is what Gaga is saying, either way Weird Al gets to make his video! You can hear the song and read the lyrics here.

You know that xkcd comic with timeline charts for The Lord of the Rings and other movies? My husband made one for the events of Holy Week. And then he wrote a really long post about it.

Death metal and Studio Ghibli are together at last. And it’s as face-meltingly awesome as you might imagine.

There’s no way that you’ll ever be able to be well-read — i.e., read every book, watch every movie, listen to every album — and that’s perfectly OK.

Turns out that the video game industry is doing fine job of self-policing, i.e., making sure that minors don’t get their hands on mature games.

Is it a sign that you’re doing things wrong when even the KKK doesn’t want to associate with you?

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