Elsewhere: Lebron, E3, Duke Nukem, evolutionary psychology, etc.

Elsewhere: Lebron, E3, Duke Nukem, evolutionary psychology, etc. June 17, 2011
First Things writes on a growing trend amongst modern artists to include “pseudo-chapels” and religious imageryin their pieces.Jilted Idealists in the Age of Twitter – Another take on the LeBrondown

Terry Teachout writes about his brother, who decided to make a life in their hometown: “I left home to find myself, but my brother didn’t have to leave home because he knew who he was.”

Is the internet our new religion?

Want some great off-the-beaten-path E3 coverage? Jon Irwin over at Kill Screen has it for you: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Here is an amazing article about LA Noire, from the author of Extra Lives, Tom Bissel.

I was interviewed last week by Lee Warren of The Christian Post on a couple of pop culture stories: Brian Johnson of ACDC’s comments on Christianity and Reese Witherspoon’s comments on womanhood at the MTV Movie Awards.

Apparently there is another life-size ark being built–this one by a Dutchman. Paul Vander Klay addresses this and shares some reflections on evangelism and the gospel.

Annie Lowrey of Slate asks, who gets more love: fathers or mothers?

Is evolutionary psychology guilty of intellectual overreach? Timothy Wilson thinks so and a fascinating discussion ensues.

Our very own Jason Morehead on Duke Nukem Forever, 2K Games, and the Redner Group.

Five Films that you do not want to miss from the Cannes Film Festival.

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