10 Ways to Detox from the Election

10 Ways to Detox from the Election November 7, 2012

It’s Wednesday morning, and Mitt Romney has conceded the election to President Barack Obama. That means there are several million disappointed people this morning, and several million very happy people. Where I live, the majority are in the disappointed pool. I think my state went probably 55% for Romney, and if I had to totally guess, I’d say our church members probably voted 95% for Romney. To help those who are upset this morning, I’ve compiled a short list of things that might help those on the losing side to move on.

1. Go read this article by Russell Moore right now. Right. Now. If you can’t, don’t say anything else about the election until you can read it.

2. Pray for President Barack Obama. Pray that God will be gracious and kind to him, and that He will give the President the wisdom to lead well and justly.

3. If you can’t pray for the President, you ought to repent. Prayers for our leaders is not an option.

4. You need to realize that many of the feelings of despair you are having probably have as much to do with “your team” losing than any actual impending doom. By “your team,” I don’t mean Christians. I mean Republicans.

5. Sometimes, it helps to laugh. For example, several months ago, you might have been excited about Herman Cain or Rick Perry, and you thought Romney was kind of an idiot. My how things change.

6. Step back and get some perspective. President Obama won, to your chagrin, but he won in a fair election without bloodshed. Also, you get to rant about it on Facebook, legally and without fear. You can even prognosticate that this means the end of the world, certain bankruptcy, and general doom for generations. Pretty nice country to live in, if you ask me.

7. You ought to consider the fact that President Obama absolutely dominated the minority vote. DOMINATED. Why do you think that is? If you think the answer is because they are a bunch of moochers wanting free stuff, you are wrong, and if you ever want your party to win another election again, you ought to think/pray on how to be more open to minority voters.

8. You should probably admit to yourself that you don’t really know that much about how an economy works on a national scale. Case in point: Check out this Forbes article. The average American has around $6,800 in credit card debt. It is possible, in other words, that President Obama’s policies could help the economy mend. Why not hope for the best?

9. As per #8, let’s quit pretending that President Obama is the most horriblest spender in the history of big spenders. George W. Bush was awful, and…he was a Republican.

10. Pray for President Barack Obama. He needs your prayers, and he ought to have your support. Of course, that doesn’t mean you support all of his policies, but you ought to honor him as your President, and you should pray for him as you would a friend. (I know I said that already, but it really is the best thing you can do to detox your heart.)

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