A Call for Writers

A Call for Writers December 12, 2013

Want to write for Christ and Pop Culture?

We’re looking for new staff writers who feel confident and excited about writing about the intersection of the Christian faith and popular culture. Here are some of the things we’re looking for in prospective writers:

  • Perspectives or interests that are currently underrepresented at CaPC.
  • The ability to consistently produce one 600-1000 word feature every other week or one 200-600 word “Of the Moment” piece every week.
  • A commitment to what is commonly referred to as “conservative evangelical theology.” That includes, but is not limited to, the infallibility of scripture, justification by faith alone, original sin, the historicity of the crucifixion and resurrection, and a  commitment to the local church.
  • A love for nuanced, reasoned, and impassioned prose.
  • A reason to take you seriously. We would like those writing to have some experience that contributes to our site. We are excited about taking on new writers but you’ll need to make a case for yourself.

Each staff writer commits to write between 600-1000 words every other week through a combination of larger and smaller pieces. Staff writers have priority when it comes to pitching features for our tablet magazine or when other opportunities come up. You’ll also be a part of an active and dynamic community of writers and a diverse and growing publication.

Christ and Pop Culture is on the cusp of an exciting season of change. We’re looking for writers who are excited to be a significant part of CaPC’s growth and change.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, just email us at [email protected] with the subject line “CaPC Staff Writer”. Include some information about yourself, three examples of your work (via URL or copy/pasted into the email), and a brief description of your most valued theological beliefs.

Currently we are only able to provide monetary compensation for magazine features, so staff writers are not compensated. Our goal is to make up for this by providing opportunities for growth, guidance, and exposure for those interested.

You’ll be a part of an active and vibrant community who sharpen and encourage one another in their work. Many of our writers have gone on to write for Christianity TodayPasteThe Gospel CoalitionRelevantKill ScreenFilmwell, and Think Christian (to name a few). We take our responsibility to our writers seriously, and we consider growing and helping our writers to improve to be one of our primary goals.

*We appreciate each and every inquiry but cannot guarantee a response to every one. We apologize in advance.

 photo credit: geishaboy500 via photopin cc

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