Clash of Civilizations?

Clash of Civilizations? November 23, 2015

Screenshot 2015-11-22 11.20.24So this sermon is swimming around in some of the same waters as last week. The real theme of the letter, or at least this part of it, is trusting in the power of God to move towards unity. I’m thinking about that in the context of the sometimes outrageous remarks we hear concerning refugees. There are a lot of Christians out there on the campaign trail, but I’m not hearing a lot of trust in God. I don’t mean to be self-righteous on that, (well, sometimes I really just can’t resist), because I am more than a little aware that trust in the midst of crisis is a very dicey thing. So how do we build that trust in the power of creation to evolve towards unity, when we know it happens in fits and starts, one step forward and two steps back?


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