Just Musing…

Just Musing… January 24, 2015

We do not live in a perfect world.

Life is a crapshoot.

Circumstances have nothing at all to do with God. Being wealthy is not God’s blessing, poverty is not God’s curse.

The best of relationships don’t always make it to the end.

People want transparency from others, but they exempt themselves.

You cannot, no matter how hard you try, force a person to see from your perspective.

People want others around them to change while they themselves remain static.

There is very little tolerance for mistakes, errors, sin.

American Christian culture judges everything but itself.

Life does move on and people can recreate themselves.

Hoping for pie in the sky by and by is not eschatology.

Those who talk loudest about the manifestation of the Spirit fail to see it is the mimetic spirit of which they speak.

The Gospel has broken free from Christianity… and boy are the Christians pissed.

You cannot capture the Holy Spirit in a bottle or a method and market it.

Pain is real. Why? Because this age is being crucified, it is dying.

If you took all the blithering anti-intellectual Christians and stacked them end to end they would encircle the Earth’s equator ten times over.

Christianity is a disease; the Gospel is the cure.

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