When the Bible is used as a foundation for faith and beliefs by so many, it begs a huge foundational question: “What is the Bible?” This question is comprised of a myriad of other questions that people tend to ask themselves. Here are just a few:
- What is the relationship between God and humans in the writing of the biblical texts?
- What part did culture play in these texts as they were being penned?
- What did the authors of Scripture understand about the nature of Scripture?
- How do I make sense of interpreting the Bible for my own life?
When it comes to reading and grappling with the interpretive issues around the Bible, Dr. Peter Enns has long been in the thick of this discussion. [Enns is Abram S. Clemens professor of biblical studies at Eastern University in St. David’s, PA.] With numerous articles and books to his credit on this investigative journey, Enns continues to ask the tough questions and interact with the difficult material. One of the areas in which Enns’ scholarship is being brought to the forefront currently is in the New Testament writers’ use of the Old Testament. The New Testament authors seem to offer clues about reading and understanding the texts of the Old Testament when they directly cite or refer to passages in their own writings. (Here’s a spoiler: their usage of the OT provides us with “insider” information). Enns suggests that we can see how they reframed Israel’s Scripture in the light of Christ.
Many have read Enns’ popular books The Evolution of Adam, The Bible Tells Me So, & The Sin of Certainty. Perhaps you had a few questions throughout them. If only there were some way for the reader to have access to ask questions of Enns about his take on the holy book…well, now there is. The School of Peace Theology is pleased to offer an all new course by Dr. Enns – The Use of the Old Testament by the New Testament Writers: Hermeneutics and Theology in Context. This live, worldwide, unique opportunity is being made available to the first 500 students who enroll.
The nitty-gritty:
- The class meets online for six consecutive Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm ET from May 9 – June 13
- Each class features a live lecture for 45 minutes, followed by 45 minutes of Q&R (With the obligatory time given for Enns to pontificate where needed).
- Act fast, seats are filling up and the class size limited to 500!
- The Cost is just $199 for a 6 week Course!
Discover the affordability, convenience and quality of courses in The School of Peace Theology. Simply register today and join this interactive journey with a host of other top-notch scholars.