Case of the Missing Column…and Other Notes

Case of the Missing Column…and Other Notes March 19, 2007

For those who may follow my column and think I am slacking, my column just did not run this Saturday. Fortunately it was due to editor oversight, and not because I’ve been canned or anything.

My next column will run as regularly planned next Saturday.

Also, I have recently signed with a literary agent who is helping shop my stuff around to various publishing houses.  She has one publisher meeting to discuss a compilation of my spoken word work, which I am hopeful would also include a CD recording of many of them being read. She’s also exploring the possibility of publishing a collection of my columns as a book. We’ll see if there’s any interest.

At this point, it looks like my new book, co-authored with my wife, Amy, titled “MySpace to Sacred Space: God for a New Generation,” will be out at the end of July.  It’s already listed on several online retail sites for sale, which is a little strange since it’s still being edited by the publisher. I have some results from our research posted on my website,, and I expect to have a free chapter posted once it’s officially complete.

Finally, I’m working on a new novel! The working title is “Blood Doctrine,” and I can’t talk a lot about the plot at this time. However, it definitely is in the genre of “biblical historical fiction,” if there’s such a genre. My agent is eager to begin shopping it as soon as I have complete drafts of the first three chapters, of which I have two complete so far.  More about this as things develop.

That’s all for now. Thanks for keeping up with my weekly ramblings.

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