Deep discount Chalice Press promotion

Deep discount Chalice Press promotion April 20, 2007

In case you or anyone you know has interest in the many titles offered by my publisher, Chalice Press (, now is a pretty good time to check out their website.

From now until May 25th, you can buy ANY of their books (including my LOST book and advance copies of our upcoming book, MySpace to Sacred Space: God for a New Generation) for 40% off the full list price.  For what it’s worth, this is the same discount I get on their titles as an author, including for my own books, so I think it’s a pretty sweet deal.

When you go to their wbesite at, enter the promotional code “SEM” at checkout in the box that says “Enter Special Offer Code” to get the 40% discount.  You can also use this code if you order by phone. Their customer service number is 1-800-366-3383. I don’t think there are quantity or title limits on this, so if you’ve thought of grabbing some of their books, this is the best discount I’ve seen them offer.

Feel free to pass this along to others who might appreciate the promotion as well.



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