I spoke this week to the marketing folks at my publisher and was told that our new book, “MySpace to Sacred Space,” currently is #2 on their bestseller list. It’s a relatively small publisher, releasing 25-30 titles a year, but it’s nice to see the book doing fairly well.
Thanks to those who participated in the initial research, and those who have picked it up since. If you haven’t yet picked it up and want to, or if you’d like to get your hands on my other book, “Lost” A Search for Meaning,” go to my home page at www.christianpiatt.com and click on the links to them both on Amazon.
Please also consider letting your friends and family who might be into these titles know about them. The marketing budget for the publisher is fairly limited, so we depend heavily on word-of-mouth (or word-of-blog or email) to get the message out.