Some may have noticed I didn’t post a faith column this weekend. For those who haven’t had a chance to read the last one I did post, it’s because I’ve left my column at the Pueblo Chieftain.
For some time, I’ve been a strong advocate for the need for an alternative press voice in our area, and three months ago, PULP was born. It’s an alt-monthly for now, but once the funds are in place, there are plans to take it weekly. If you’re not familiar, the alt-publications are the tabloid-format free papers you pick up in restaurants, coffee shops and the like, such as Westword in Denver and Dallas Observer in Dallas.
Anyway, I met with the publisher and she offered not only to let me have a political satire column, which I’ve wanted to do for some time, but she also invited me to become an associate editor, in charge of all Arts & Culture content. Since then, we’ve decided to add a Spirituality section, which I’m developing and which will debut in October’s issue, and eventually, I’ll oversee Singles and GLBT sections as eminently more prestigious but equally vague “Lifestyle Editor.”
When I told the Chieftain folks about this, they told me I had to pick one or the other, as they perceived PULP as competition. Though I’m not sure I agree that a free alt-monthly with a circulation of 4,000 is competition for a subscriber-dependent daily with a circulation of 56,000, I have to bow to their wishes.
So that’s why I’m done at the Chieftain.
I think the person who was most distressed by my decision to leave was my wife, Amy, because the column was great exposure for our church. But after two-and-a-half years and 127 columns at $25 a week, I was ready for a new angle on my column work. Since I’ve been a vocal proponent of the need for such a local media outlet, I couldn’t very well balk at such an offer.
As far as how this affects my blogs, I’ll still be posting pieces I put together on theological issues, and with the broader scope of my new position, I may wax more political and even throw in some other things now and then. I am also still doing columns for Disciples World magazine and occasionally for Worship Connection. I’ll add pieces as I have them from the various publications I’m working with, so hopefully there will be some things of interest to those who do follow my work.
For now, check out PULP by clicking on any of the words linked to the site above, or by going directly to For those who would like, you can subscribe to PULP by mail for about $12 a year, or you can just bookmark the site and check it there.
Take a look at it and please let me know what you think.