Life on the Farm: A Photo Essay (Day Four)

Life on the Farm: A Photo Essay (Day Four) May 5, 2012

Amy’s mom, Suzie, and stepfather, Russ, live on a 12-acre apple orchard nestled against the Rio Grande in northern New Mexico. Instead of describing it, I decided to show it.Click on each photo for a larger version.


On a hike below the mesa

The Rio Grande. And yes, it is.
Fire circle next to the river
Suzie's horse, Dama
Strolling down the long driveway
Guardian of the Barn
Cottonwood tree, more than 100 years old. Locals say it's been there since the railroad went through this way.
Up from the trunk
Folks around here like their privacy
St. Francis, keeping an eye on the garden.
My Sweet Pea McGee

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