Church Sign Epic Fails “Bunny Love” Edition

Church Sign Epic Fails “Bunny Love” Edition March 24, 2013

Folks ask me how I find so many of these signs. Turns out if you leave them alone, they just multiply on their own. I’m drowning in the things!!!

Nothing helps clarify the true meaning of Easter like co-opting the very pagan symbols that you’re fighting against! Next up…those damn Yule logs!!!
I clicked “confirm” but then it told me Jesus had already reached his friend limit. Who knew Jesus was a Jehova’s Witness??
I’m not entirely clear on the correlation between tithing and sodomy, but color me curious. Look for me front row on Sunday.
that’s right, and he committed suicide. So the message for you early leavers from church ain’t pretty.
Nothing quite like jumping right to the most controversial, violent component of the faith to advertise your special service!
It’s my fault, guys. I totally forgot to pour nard all over his feet before he rode that guinea pig into town. (Theology nerd humor alert!).


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