He told me to drink in remembrance of Him, but I must have gotten a little over-enthusiastic. I mean, I was there at the table, and the rest of the night is a blur. That J-dog can THROW DOWN.
So…Jesus wants me to be relaxed and happy, then a little amped, then kinda goofy and stupid, then tired, then rally, then get aggressive and mean and then pass out?
Yeah this is just awesome with extra awesome sauce. And super nerdy. And pandering to popular culture. And awesome.
I think I need a shower…gross.
I Bilbe is what Bilbo Baggins and Paul would have written if they ever got to hang out.
Please turn in your Bilbes to the Gospel According to Little Green Raisin-Lookalike-Jedis and read almost in the voice of Grover…
Oh, and if they finished grammar school, that’s a plus too.
No, no, no, no, we’re totally not a cult! Here, drink this…