Church Sign Epic Fails, “God Hates Heavy Metal” Edition

Church Sign Epic Fails, “God Hates Heavy Metal” Edition October 27, 2013

I was told to dress up as the scariest character I could imagine, so I’m thinking of going with Mark Driscoll…

I’ve always known that power chords were demon seed…
Based on this pole, I’m assuming this is along a highway…which means folks are driving by at about 70 MPH…which means they only probably see the main headline…which means, um, yeah.
yeah, but a polyester jumpsuit TOTALLY fools God every time.
What’s it gonna be, girl? Yes, or no? (Meatloaf alert!)


I’ve heard of nontraditional service concepts, but this one takes the cake.
New Life! But first we have to scare you to death…
Makes me proud to be a disciple…


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