Reaching out into the broader culture for a few Christmas fails this week. Turns out that churches aren’t the only ones capable of pulling off deliciously inappropriate signage. Yay, humans!
She’s actually so excited about this gift, she’s about to try to vacuum herself. Wait…did that sound weird?
Okay…ONE. One shepherd. Totally done counting already.
Absolutely nothing could be misconstrued about this. But gotta give them a little slack, seein’ as how they’re French and all.
Pretty clever sign, actually, except that meek people are categorically barred from using exclamation points. Punctuation FAIL!
What’s that, husband? You want to have sex? Oh, gosh, I’d love to, except I’m so enamored with my Christmas gift that I just can’t stop ironing.
Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a big, healthy bowel movement.
It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses. HIT IT!!!