Thanks to my friend and media co-conspirator, Tripp Fuller, for putting together the following blog post and the new list of added incentives for folks to jump on the Kickstarter campaign for my novel, BLOOD DOCTRINE, in the final days. Feeling confident that, with the help and support of the Homebrewed listeners and my friends who follow this blog, we’ll make our goal and will be able to publish this novel independently!
Seven Awesome Gifts from HomeBrewed Christianity for Kickstarter Backers
by Tripp Fuller
All right, Deacons. It’s time to step in, step up and put this Kickstarter thing over the top for our fellow Homebrewed homie, Christian Piatt.
Christian’s self-publishing his first novel as a sort of experiment to see if quality publishing can be done with crowd-sourced support. With a little more than a week to go, he’s got about 60% of the funds raised, but since it’s an all-or nothing budget, the whole thing doesn’t happen unless the final goal is met.
Blood Doctrine is a fast-paced suspense thriller with rich scientific and theological overtones. Inspired by a combination of the interest in the so-called “Jesus tomb” in Jerusalem and groundbreaking possibilities involving evolutionary genetics, the question is posed:
What if, through modern science, we had the power to invoke the second coming of Jesus?
CHECK OUT THE KICKSTARTER PAGE for free chapter downloads, vids about the book, and to help back the project and spread the word to friends who are fans of fiction and independent publishing. We need 34 more backers by New Years day in order for him to meet his goal of rounding up 150 backers by year’s end. And because I know the Deacons make things happen, and because I know you love to support independent media, I’m putting the challenge to all of you to help him make that goal.
In fact, we’re willing to sweeten the deal, just to make sure it’s worth your while.
You can check out all of the rewards being offered with various levels of support. But if you let Christian know you heard about this from Homebrewed, we’ll add some extra swag to your post-Christmas stocking. So in addition to the listed rewards, here’s what’s available, just to you:
- Become a backer at $10 or more and get the e-book PLUS a shout-out on the Homebrewed Christianity CultureCast.
- Become a Backer at $20 or higher and receive the reward listed PLUS have a Homebrewed Christianity sticker added to your shipment.
- Become a Backer at $50 or higher and receive the reward listed PLUS get your very own Homebrewed Christianity Monk on a 16oz Belgian Beer Glass.
- Back the campaign at $100 or more and the CultureCast crew will do a 30-second(ish) spot for you and/or the project of your choosing on a future show.
- Back it for $250 or more and come on the air with Christian, Jordan and Amy for your own CultureCast segment. You pick the topic.
- Back at $500 or above and Tripp will compose and perform a brand new song, custom-made for you, on the HBC podcast.
- Finally, if you’re interested in having Christian come to your town to speak, the Kickstarter campaign is a much cheaper way to get him there than going through his management company. So if you back at $1,250 or higher, you get the whole deal: an in person event with Christian, a song from Tripp, a segment on the CultureCast, a box of ten signed books, ten stickers and we’ll personally turtle wax your ride for you.
Well, all of it except for that last thing.
So skip on over to the campaign on Kickstarter, check out the free chapters, watch the videos and help us make this goal by becoming a backer. Then help spread the love by sharing the links on Twitter, Facebook, and challenge a few of your friends to step up as well.
And as always, we appreciate your involvement in the Homebrewed community.