Church Sign Epic Fails, “Smelly Sheep” Edition

Church Sign Epic Fails, “Smelly Sheep” Edition January 12, 2014

Three benefits to being a sheep: no thinking, no bathing, and all the grass you can handle. Kinda like college!

True Story: I blindfolded a sheep, put some nice under his nose and…nothing. Like it wasn’t even there.
Hey, at least there’s nothing offensive here.
Old timey, as in “stuff we like.” Not old-time like Sermon on the Mount and Beatitudes kinda stuff. BO-RING
Score one for the douche bags!
Could we talk you into being called, maybe, “Not-so-amazing Grace?”
Now, why would people ever get the idea that there’s an anti-intellectualism movement within Christianity? Sorry, should I use smaller words?
Always good to know all the fun stuff you will NOT get to enjoy before going to church.

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