We’re BAAAAAaaaack (CultureCast)

We’re BAAAAAaaaack (CultureCast) January 21, 2014

It’s been a while, but the CultureCast crew is back in action. Jordan, Christian, Amy and Jess the Intern set up and knock down all the stuff that’s been going down in our lives and in the cultural landscape in our absence. Or at least a few things we found compelling enough to distract us from the pretty, shiny things that otherwise occupy us.

Jordan catches us up on what life is life after the passing away of his wife, Mindy. He’s coming to terms with being a single dad, picking up the financial slack and figuring out who he is as an unmarried guy for the first time in a decade or so. And so of course, we respond by giving him big bottles of alcohol.

Thanks to the generosity of the Homebrewed listeners, we raised enough money to buy Jordan one of the rarest bourbons on the market: a ten-year-old Rip Van Winkle. Thanks to Tripp for gathering the funds, and to Timothy Burnette for providing the bottle, along with a little bonus bottle of Dissident Noel Belgian Ale. Nom nom nom.

We chat up a woman’s article from Mars Hill (the Driscoll one, not the Rob Bell one) about what it means to be a woman today (hint: we don’t agree with her), and Christian is the lone dissenting voice in the debate about geographically-exclusive NFL Playoff ticket sales. No justice, no peace!!!

Finally, we lay out all the best TV and movies you should be checking out right now, as well as some mad props for a new George Jones tribute album you need to get your groove on with.

Oh, and thanks to the Slow Church Conference for being one of our first sponsors on the show! Check out their conference coming up in Indy in early April, and tell ‘em the CultureCast sent you. And if you have something you want to promote on the show, hit up Christian with an email to find out how it’s done.

Listen to the episode HERE


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