Corporate Shills, Sex Sells and Someone’s Week Sucks

Corporate Shills, Sex Sells and Someone’s Week Sucks February 18, 2014

This week’s CultureCast episode starts off with Christian recounting what could well be his worst week ever since entering into adulthood. It’s actually so crappy, it would be funny…that is, if Christian wasn’t the one writing this.

Laugh it up, fun boys.

We check in on the progress of the homebrew that Andy Campbell and Christian started – next step, bottling! Also, The CultureClub debates such timely issues as commercialism in media, sex in the arts and whether or not we dissed our Young Earth Creationist brethren and sistren in the last episode.

Oh, and just in case none of that tickles your fancy, check out the logical acrobatics necessary for Christian to connect the dots between the Lego Movie and the Dalai Lama. Once again, the intellectual giants that occupy a seat at the CultureCast table demonstrate their mind-boggling sophistication.

Shout-Out to this week’s sponsor: Week of Compassion takes on aid for a new disaster somewhere in the world on average of every other day of the year. Plus, about 95 cents of every dollar donated goes to direct aid.  

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