Romal Tunes, Slim Moons and Kim Davis Swoons

Romal Tunes, Slim Moons and Kim Davis Swoons September 18, 2015

RomaltuneTo be clear, cohost Slim Moon totally didn’t take his pants off and show his butt on air; it just worked for the title. But since it’s a podcast we could also be lying.

On the anniversary of 9/11 the CultureCastaways reflect on fourteen years since the attack on the Twin Towers and what it’s like raising kids who only know it as an abstract moment in history. And Amy lightens the mood with a rather unexpected interjection that would make Howard Stern proud. We’re professionals!

We welcomed author and youth activist Romal Tune on the show to talk about his very popular book, God’s Graffiti, the adversity in his own life that inspired him to write it and the companion devotional coming soon go go along with it. Romal has seen and lived through plenty of hard times, and yet his story – and those he shares of others – is incredibly inspiring.

And it wouldn’t be a cultureCast without a little Kim Davis these days, right? We introduce a new “Top Three” segment in which we go list-crazy. This week’s Top Three from each cohost was, “Top Three Names for Kim Davis’ Memoir.” Oh, and Amy compares her dramatic, teary release from county jail after six days to that of a James Brown concert…minus the awesome cape. Someone get that woman a cape already!!!

We’ve got an Auber-gross fear of the week involving eyeballs, and some TV and book recommendations to keep you busy during the rainy fall days to come. So pour yourself a warm beverage, cuddle put with your favorite podcast threesome and sink your teeth into this bundle of auditory goodness.

And for God’s sake, floss your teeth this time when you’re done with us. So gross.

Grab tickets for the next live CultureCast Oct 1 in Portland with special guest Eric Elnes, comedian Ian Durias and Musical guest Katelyn Convery. Ticket holders each get a free copy of Eric’s new book, “Gifts of the Dark Wood” with admission. Seats are very limited so order yours HERE today

Pre-order Christian Piatt’s upcoming book, “A**hole Christian Survival Guide” HERE. Check out animated videos like “Why I Got kicked Out of Church,” and claim your very own A**hole Christian T-shirt.

Listen to the episode HERE

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