March 20, 2007

Disciples couple’s latest venture: a book on young adult spirituality By David Matthews, DisciplesWorld contributing writer PUEBLO, Colo. (3/19/07) — After the recent success of Lost: A Search for Meaning, a theological look at the hit TV series LOST, author and DisciplesWorld columnist Christian Piatt is excited about the release of a new book which tackles the topic of young adult spirituality. MySpace to Sacred Space: God for a New Generation, to be released in July by Chalice Press, was... Read more

March 19, 2007

For those who may follow my column and think I am slacking, my column just did not run this Saturday. Fortunately it was due to editor oversight, and not because I’ve been canned or anything. My next column will run as regularly planned next Saturday. Also, I have recently signed with a literary agent who is helping shop my stuff around to various publishing houses.  She has one publisher meeting to discuss a compilation of my spoken word work, which... Read more

March 16, 2007

I know I’m a couple of days late posting, but my work on a new novel has taken precedent. Anyhow, here are my thoughts on the most recent LOST episode. “Par Avion”  (I think I’m  remembering  the name right) was kind of like Raisin Bran;  it’s not my favorite, but it’s fairly satisfying and it helps keep things moving.  Let’s start with the positives. Claire’s back-story was interesting, though not entirely a shocker. My secret hope was that the people... Read more

March 10, 2007

Having watched James Cameron’s “Lost Tomb of Jesus” special on the Discovery Channel, and having followed some of the subsequent discussion online, I believe it’s worth dedicating a second week to this significant find. Certainly, there was some compelling evidence presented in the two-hour show, and questions raised have sparked vigorous debate, not only about the historical basis of Scripture, but also the basis and context of what we claim as Christians to believe today. Some reflexively condemn the show... Read more

March 8, 2007

Along with the “Flashes” episode, this was, without a doubt, the best of season three to date. As a religion writer, I especially enjoyed the back-story for Sayid and the forgiveness he received for past wrongdoings, and to see how it affects his behavior now. Plus Sayid is just a bad-ass, so any time we get to learn more about him is interesting. At first, I actually got fished in by Mikail’s (sp?) confession that he was the last of... Read more

March 3, 2007

Oscar-winning filmmaker James Cameron claims he has compelling evidence that the remains of Jesus Christ have been found. In a special titled “The Lost Tomb of Jesus,” airing Sunday on the Discovery Channel, he also argues that Jesus had a son with Mary Magdalene, whose name was Judah. Cameron’s documentary focuses on six ossuaries discovered nearly three decades ago in a tomb in Jerusalem. On the outside of the ancient caskets were inscribed the names of Jesus, son of Joseph,... Read more

March 1, 2007

In most cases, I agree with the consensus on The Fuselage fan site about each episode, but this time, I don’t seem to. Most people strongly felt last night’s Lost episode was good to great. I think this has more to do with returning to the beach and focusing on Hurley, a character most everyone likes, than the overall importance or quality of the show. I too am glad they returned to the beach. A too enjoyed learning more about... Read more

February 28, 2007

What lies beneath the platform for life? By Christian Piatt Originally printed in the Pueblo Chieftain newspaper Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, now running for president in 2008, came out with his position on stem cell research. In a nutshell, he feels that adult stem cells, as well as only those embryonic cells previously committed, should be used. Use of any other embryonic cells, which are harvested from early-stage embryos, should be disallowed. Though vague partisan lines have been drawn... Read more

February 22, 2007

Our understanding of what participation in Communion or Eucharist means varies widely, as do the ways in which – and the frequency with which – we practice it. As a Disciple, I’ve become accustomed to taking Communion as part of every worship service. As the spouse of a minister, I run as much of a risk as anyone that my observation of this sacred rite will lose some of its significance. The Greek word koinonia is defined as Christian fellowship... Read more

February 22, 2007

My initial thoughts are that tonight’s LOST episode, “Stranger in a Strange Land,” was as weak as last week’s was good. It’s annoying enough when they have an episode dominated by sappy relationship stuff, but this one was overflowing. When the sappy strings hit toward the end with Juliet and Jack on the front of the boat, I expected Jack to lean over the edge and yell, “I’m king of the world!” Please. Positive things first. Desmond’s “Flashes” episode last... Read more

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