Blessing for Hollywood Artists and Professionals

Blessing for Hollywood Artists and Professionals August 3, 2013

Tonight, August 3rd, we will inaugurate a new ministry to provide communal prayer, retreats, spiritual direction and formation to Catholic professionals in the entertainment industry. We invited 20 people to attend the first meeting and we have 42 who have let us know they are coming. It’s a sign that the Lord’s flock in Hollywood is hungry for the help of the Church in their work. God willing, our new Archbishop Gomez will break from the past and take some interest in pastoral outreach to this community.

We will have Mass, dinner, and then a planning meeting. During Mass, those in the room will receive this special blessing based on the writings of Bl. John Paul II. Please join us in praying this for all believers who work in the business of entertainment and storytelling.

Prayer of Blessing for Hollywood Artists and Professionals
(taken from the writings of Bl. John Paul II)

Let us ask for the blessing of the Holy Spirit
upon everyone here who labors in the field of film, television, radio and music.
Throughout the history of salvation,
Christ presents himself to us as the “communicator” of the Father.
May you find in the eternal Word made flesh, your perfect model in the work you do.

Like Jesus, may you be moved to compassion for the world’s suffering and seek to bring forth Good News of hope.
Like Jesus, may you always shows respect for those who listen, mindful of their situation and needs.
Like Jesus, may you serve your audience with a resolute determination to speak the truth to them, in wonderful new parables,
without imposition or compromise, deceit or manipulation.

Bear in holiness the cross that beauty demands and “Do not be afraid!”
Do not be afraid of new technologies! These rank “among the marvelous things” which God has placed at our disposal to discover, to use and to make known the truth.
Do not be afraid of being opposed by the world! Jesus has assured us, “I have conquered the world!”
Do not be afraid even of your own weakness and inadequacy! The Divine Master has said, “I am with you always, until the end of the world.”

Communicate the message of Christ’s hope, grace and love, keeping always alive, in this passing world, the eternal perspective of heaven.

To Mary, who gave us the Word of life, and who kept his unchanging words in her heart, we entrust your journey as a storyteller for the Church. May the Blessed Virgin help you to communicate by every means the beauty and joy of life in Christ our Savior.

All of these things we pray for you, artists and storytellers and we ask God’s blessing on you, your families and your work,

In the name of the Father,

And of the Son,

And of the Holy Spirit.


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