Presenting Quill

Presenting Quill November 13, 2014

This morning I’ll be presenting my paper on Quill, here at the Tcl/Tk conference in Portland. I’m looking forward to it eagerly.

This conference has had a different feel than most, as we’ve had very little interaction with the surrounding downtown area. The conference proper begins Wednesday morning and ends around noon on Friday, and usually provides a lunch and dinner during that time. This time, however, the number of attendees was lower than expected, and since the hotel requires a minimum catering purchase we’re getting lunches and dinners both days. And thanks to the cold front that’s hitting the northern United States it’s pretty chilly outside, and no fun for walking. Between the two we’ve been mostly shut up indoors.

But the reason to come to the conference isn’t to be a tourist, or even to watch the presentations. The reason to come is the people: to spend time talking Tcl (and everything else) with the other folks in the community. And that’s very nice.

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