From an American Jewish perspecitve

From an American Jewish perspecitve March 10, 2017

The great anti-Semitism panic of 2017 is kicked around in this Washington Post piece.  Some still labor under the illusion that bigotry is a product of what color state you live in.  Or how you vote.  Or your skin color.

That’s all rubbish of course.  Bigotry, racism, hate – these are great unifies.  They bring people together since all groups produce those who will indulge in these evils.  Law professor David Bernstein helps us remember that reducing these sins to politically expedient narratives won’t help.

“an ADL official managed just the other day to link the JCC bomb threats to emboldened white supremacists, even though the only suspect caught so far is an African American leftist.”

That’s when a narrative becomes a Supernarrative.  And that’s usually a bad sign.

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