Apr. 18: Taking a Technology Break

Apr. 18: Taking a Technology Break April 18, 2013

Face it—it’s a digital world.  Whether for work or connecting with friends and family, we’re wrapped up in the internet with social media, e-mail and chat messengers. Wireless technology keeps us connected even when we’re on the go.

One online blogger tried taking a break from all these connections and found her offline time comprised her most productive work hours. Here are some of her suggestions to arrange your digital downtime:

Know exactly what you want to do online.  Disconnect when you’re done.

Get away from your desk.  Work on your top priorities during that break.

Set clear your next steps before getting back online.  Fight the distractions to accomplish those tasks.

Online or offline, we are never disconnected from the Source of all hope—our loving God.  We don’t ever need to take  a break from Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean

on your own understanding.  (Proverbs 3:5)

Speak, Lord; help me to know Your will.

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