Apr. 19: Dragon Slayer

Apr. 19: Dragon Slayer April 19, 2013

Ellen headed to work on a Friday morning. Her mind should have been filled with happier thoughts of the weekend ahead with family and friends. Instead, the looming problems of her job seemed to block out the sunshine of the beautiful spring day.

While her thoughts were focused on possible solutions, she caught sight of a young boy walking with his mother on his way to school.  Dressed as a knight, complete with sword and shield, the child marched down the New York City street, slaying the imaginary dragons in his path. His smile broadened with every victory.

Suddenly Ellen smiled, too.  Yes, a shot of youthful hope can help us all slay the dragons that face us today and every day.

I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised.  (Psalm 18:3)

You are my rock of refuge, Lord, my shield against life’s storms.

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