May 12: A Prayer for Mother’s Day

May 12: A Prayer for Mother’s Day May 12, 2013

As a tribute to his late mother, the Rev. Chuck Currie wrote the following prayer for Mother’s Day:

“God, this Mother’s Day we stop to give You thanks for our mothers.  We remember the times that they have set aside their own needs to tend to ours.  We remember those moments where they have expressed love for us when no one else would…We remember moms that we have lost and ask that Your spirit hold them fast—and that You watch over us as we still grieve.  We ask for Your healing touch for mothers who have lost children and for women who have tried to conceive but been unable to.  Help us…be the family for those that have no other.

“We also lift up to you today mothers who are struggling to provide shelter, food and medical care for their children.  Use us as instruments of Your will as we seek to build the Kingdom you have promised…We also acknowledge, O God, that not every mother is perfect.  Help us to forgive those that have wronged us.  Forgive us too for the times we have not shown our mothers the love they deserve for all the mighty gifts they have given us.  In the name of Jesus, born of Mary, we pray. Amen.”

He blesses your children within you.  (Psalm 147:12)

Let me show gratitude for my mother, Lord.

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