Sep. 20: The Coach as Wounded Healer

Sep. 20: The Coach as Wounded Healer September 20, 2013

You might think that a former defensive lineman for the Baltimore Colts and Detroit Lions would believe a coach’s job—especially a coach of young people—is to teach them to win games.  Joe Ehrmann, however, says, “A coach’s responsibilities include helping young people to confront and comprehend the toxic culture that is trying to seduce and shape them.”

As a guest on Christopher Closeup, Ehrmann said he came to that belief due to poor male influences in his life, like his abusive father.  In addition, Ehrmann was beaten and raped by a stranger at age 12.

Ehrmann’s emotional recovery was helped by reading Henri Nouwen’s book, The Wounded Healer.  He explained, “All of us, as we go through life, get wounded…Nouwen makes the point that we really have two choices.  One, you can ignore, deny or repress your own woundedness.  The other choice is to take your own wounds, accept them, bring healing and wholeness into them, then use them as an opportunity to offer other people the chance to heal.  So I became a wounded healer.”

How can your past hurts bring healing to others?

The tongue of the wise brings healing.  (Proverbs 12:18)

Jesus, heal our brokenness with Your love.

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