New Aprons in the Works

New Aprons in the Works April 15, 2010
I’m so excited! I found a local group of artists who are into all things altered and creative! I’mreally looking forward to getting to know them, I already picked up a number of great ideas!
That’s not all I’ve been doing, I’m working on three new aprons that I cut out the other day. Here’s a sneak peak of some of the fabrics I’m working with.
I still need to do some more block printing. I want to get at least two more blocks carved too. Plus there’s two paintings that need finishing, and the art box needs a hanger. Sometimes I feel kind of overwhelmed by all my ideas and plans, but then I just come back to my breath.
I studied Zen Buddhism when I was younger and I find that it’s such a wonderful base to build on. Breathing meditation is really so grounding. When my mind is scattered I get so stuck that I can literally walk in circles moving from one idea to the next and working on nothing. That’s when I just sit and count my breath.
I count to 4 on the inbreath,
hold for 2,
4 counts for the outbreath
and hold for 2.
Such a simple yet powerful tool. I though I’d leave you with a very Japanese image of cherry blossoms from my yard to go with my Zen:

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