After last week’s violent sedition by the alt-right in the capitol, I believe it is important to do what we can as magicians and witches to energetically move our country toward democratic process. I am reminded of the stories of witches casting spells during WWII. Of course, we all do our parts in so many ways, and I would encourage anyone reading this to do the practical work of voting, donating to organizations like the ACLU or Black Lives Matter, and educating yourself on the battle for civil rights, prison reform, and election reform.
If you have been doomscrolling as I have, take a break and join us to do this working until Imbolc.

This spell was created by Jude Magaro-Padilla, 2nd-degree witch in the Braided Wheel tradition and 1st-degree in the Green Witchcraft tradition. I share this with his permission:
Tonight I will begin a vigil at 10 CST.
This is only a first step. I will post more. If you wish to help thwart the Will of those pushing us to the brink – join me.
Light a physical candle and then perform the following.
Incantation for Democracy:
We light the flame to bind the Right.
Banish madness and their blight.
Chains of Fire and of Will hold the raging of their ill.
I call the Light and Shadow planes, help me forge these magic chains.
I call my gods and all the Earth, let this spell restrain their birth.
I call the winds and tempest seas, dissolve their power, break their deeds.
By our strength they are held back, we prevent their next attack.
By an oath this work is sealed, we will take unto the field.
Fight in the streets for our rights, protect our neighbors, end this night.
See yourself standing before the grounds of the Capitol building standing between it and the mobs. You see the flame you have lit within yourself. You see that you are not alone. Your flames grow and breach the borders of your body. Tendrils of flame form and bind the mob. Your flame gets brighter as you remember every moment when you were proud, or thankful for any progress we have made in the country. Remember every moment of hope you have had for our country. Let those feelings materialize into a vision of the future you want for our nation. A future free of the power of white supremacy. Tap into the memories of every American who fought for these things before you. See those heroes standing with you. Let this fuel your light, your power, your spell. See the tendrils of flame holding the mob back successfully.
I recommend listening to music that inspires you to dream of the country we want.
We will do this every night with the final night being Imbolc.
Leave your candle burning until you can no longer attend to it so that it burns safely.
So mote it be.
You can keep up with the work Jude and I are doing over on the Polytheist Network.