“Meet the diplomat who might have the most dangerous job in the world”

“Meet the diplomat who might have the most dangerous job in the world” January 27, 2015


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Formerly the United States ambassador to Kuwait, Matthew Tueller is currently our representative to Yemen, where the government has just fallen, a Shi‘i insurgency has taken over the capital, and “Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” (AQAP; تنظيم القاعدة في جزيرة العرب‎) is extremely active (having recently sponsored the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris).


He’s a Latter-day Saint, and a graduate of BYU — as are Deborah Jones (also a former ambassador to Kuwait, now assigned to Libya) and Stephen Beecroft (formerly American envoy to Jordan, and then to Iraq, and now the U.S. ambassador to Egypt).


Here’s a new article from Politico about Ambassador Tueller:




I came to know Matt Tueller when we were both students at the Center for Arabic Study Abroad in Cairo in 1981-1982.  Our wives went through pregnancies together there in Egypt; their first child, a daughter, was born about a month before ours, a son.  We had a running joke that year about whether quality counted more than quantity: I contracted a fairly serious case of hepatitis, but he managed to come down with mild cases of both malaria and amoebic dysentery.


I can attest to his almost surreal calm.  We saw it already back then.



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